Thursday: Lots of driving to an epic playlist, got detoured in PA
due to poorly marked exits. Drove through Harriburg. Arrived in Baltimore after
some really wacky rain (no double rainbow) Sara, Mel, and I settled into our
room, did some last minute costume work, got dressed in yukata and went to get
badges! Got hit on by a very creepy guy who wanted to give us the world. Did a
minishoot, went to get burgers, got stopped by California Tortilla people...
decided to go there for tacos. Returned to room and prepared for day 1!
Friday: DAY ONE: started off in Ikki Tousen, waited to meet up with
Erisaka for a photoshoot. Took lots of silly photos because Ikki Tousen is lulz.
Returned to room, got dressed in FF IX. Walked around and went to FF photoshoot.
Hung out, got dippin dots, met with Tantalus group.... more photos and lots of
fun. Those guys were hilarious and great! After we hung out with them for a
little, we got changed again into normal clothes (and wigs!) and listened to
some karaoke and them went to the history of hentai panel. I was really tired
and fell asleep for a little bit XD but overall educational.
DAY TWO: Mel and I got into Tsubasa, and Sara wore Dragon Age, Kelly and Eli
were in TF2. We headed out to Sara's photoshoot at the fountains, I lost one of
my gems so I had to go find that and put it back on. Found out that there was a
CLAMP photoshoot going on, got Mel and went to that. We missed the Tsubasa stuff
(ggrrrrrr) but we met up with a friend and got some pictures taken. He asked us
to go to lunch. Went to find Sara, who didn't want lunch, so we went to Five
Guys with out her (SAD FACE) but it was delicious. I headed back to the hotel
room for a bit, go attacked by Pedobear, and was informed of the fact that the
fire alarm went off. Met up with Sara, Kelly, and ELi and got our pictures taken
by EBK. ummmm..... I think that's when Sara decided to get out of her armor, so
Mel joined her and I stayed at the BCC and sat at the fountains, got my picture
taken a lot, and talked to Lilylighting as Eiko. She was awesooome and super
nice. Sara and Mel returned and we went to the terrace for more photos. Mel and
I did Tsubasa things, Sara took pics, was good time. Ummm.... I think this was
the point at which Mel and I got coffee and stood in line FOREVER, but I don't
really remember exactly? Sara went and took pics of Kelly I think at this point
Um... there was a plan to go to Cosplay Burlesque, but Mel and I had a midnight
photoshoot for CLAMP. So... we headed back to the room and Sara got back into
her armor, and Mel was photographer this time. I stayed in the room and lazed
around for a bit before we went out again. When we got to the shoot we were
informed that it was actually an 11 o'clock shoot, so we were super late XD But
we hung around with the Tsubasa people for a bit and took some more photos. We
went to karaoke again with a Fai that was really nice and then went back to the
room. After we did some lulzy bedroom and clothes swap shots, we went to bed.
Sunday: DAY THREE: No costumes except Kelly who wore Sakuya. I just wore
my Sakura wig. We packed up all out stuff and checked out. Pretty much all we
did was go to the dealers room. Sara and I bought Macross figures and I got a
Tsubasa artbook, which was cool. I have to get the other one though..... XD
After finding Mel, we headed out and joined Kelly and Eli along with some other
friends and went for Japanese. I wasn't feeling overly well so I just got miso,
but Mel and Sara got delicious noodles :3 Had some mochi... delicious mochi.
After that, we drove home! I started out, and after being a little stressed, we
made our way out of Baltimore... Interesting things on the way home: For a bit I
was driving 90 and made the GPS recalculate because of my awesome speed. ummm...
there was an accident that caused us to go on an epic detour Initial D style.
Mel was driving at that point, which was good because I don't think I would have
been able to handle it. There was also some crazy "edge of the map" type fog
that was seriously creepy. I also wasn't driving then... XD We got back really
late and were all really tired
So, that was Otakon. It was
fun and full of derp :3