This was my second ANorth, strange that it's so close to where I live yet I never go there. I rode up with Jack, Roshi, and another member of Anime Club (he was kinda annoying). Shared a room with the girls from Ohayocon too. We had burgers at Harvey's and got our badges. Friday was Rangnarok shoot so I was GM and Jack was a Wizard. People at the shoot were very hyper and all over the place. Once cosplay was over Jack and I went out to a really nice restaurant and had expensive dinners and fancy martinis. On Saturday Miku drove up to join us since he had work on Friday. We did a S-cry-ed shoot in a construction site behind the con and got some really cool pictures. That night we got some of the best sushi I have ever had, and tons of sake. We wandered back to the hotel a little tipsy. Our hotel room was super small and we had like 9 people in it so total disaster @_@ Sunday was spent in the dealers room, came home with many new figures and lots of RO art! ~UsagiNoSenshi |